Thursday 12 February 2015



    SQL is Structured Query Language standard RDMS language. All relational database management systems like MySQL, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, postgres and SQL Server use SQL as standard database language.

Why SQL?

    For the following task 

  • Querying data.
  • Insert, update, and delete.
  • Create, replace, alter and drop.
  • Controlling access to database.
  • Grantee database consistency and integrity.


  • Automatic navigation to the data.
  • Process the set of data rather than single or individual unit.

Basic Elementing of SQL

  • Data Type
  • Database object
  • Operation
  • Expression
  • Funtion
  • Condition

  1. Data Type

        Each value manipulated in SQL has datatype.

        Data type categorized as,

  • Built in Datatype

  • User defined Datatype

       Built in Datatype                                                                                                                          

  • varchar
  • number
  • long
  • date
  • float
  • int
  • raw
  • blob
  • lob
  • nblob
  • blob raw
  • blob long raw

  2.  Database Object

       Object associated with a particular schema which is collection of logical data structure.

  Schema Object

  • table
  • view
  • trigger
  • index
  • constraint
  • function
  • procedure

 Non Schema Object

  • directories
  • restore pointer
  • user
  • tablespace
  • rollback
  • segment
  • rules

What is Table?

  Collection of related data in form of rows and columns.

  The Data store in database object is called table. 

  Name is unique for each table.

  No. of attribute is DEGREE.

  No. of tuple a relation is CARDINALITY.

SQL Commands

  Commands interact with database.

  They are following types,
  • Data Definition Language -DDL
  • Data Manipulation Language - DML
  • Data Translation Language - DTL
  • Data Query Language - DQL
  • Data Control Language - DCL

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Cloud Computing Project

Cloud Computing

                    These days i am working on cloud computing. This is now my project on final year. All i know about cloud computing is meant to be internet.

Basic Concept

                     Cloud computing is following two basic model. They are
                                        1.Deployment Model
                                        2.Service Model

1.Deployment Model

                     It deals with types of access

2.Service Model

                     It deals with in which cloud computing based on
                                      1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
                                      2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
                                      3. Software as a Service (SaaS)

CakePHP Date Picker

Folder Structure: Controller:   File location - cakephp/src/controller/HomepageController.php namespace App\Controller; use...