Origins of Java
language innovation is driven forward by two factors: improvements in the art
of programming and changes in the computing environment.
Java is no exception. Building upon the rich legacy inherited
from C and C++, Java adds refinements and features that reflect the current
state of the art in programming. Responding to the rise of the online
environment, Java offers features that streamline programming
for a highly distributed architecture.
Java was conceived by James
Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank, and Mike
Sheridan at Sun M icrosystems in 1991. This language was initially called “Oak”
but was renamed “Java” in 1995. Somewhat surprisingly, the
original impetus for Java was not the Internet! Instead, the
primary motivation was the need for a platform-independent language that
be used to create software to be embedded in various consumer electronic devices,
such as toasters, microwave ovens, and remote controls.
As you
can probably guess, many different types of CPUs are used as
controllers. The trouble was that (at that time) most computer languages
designed to be compiled for a specific target. For example, consider C++.
it was possible to compile a C++ program for just about any type of CPU, to do
required a full C++ compiler targeted for that CPU. The problem, however, is
that compilers are expensive and time-consuming to create.
In an attempt to find a better solution, Gosling and others
worked on a portable, cross-platform language that could produce code that
would run on a variety of CPUs under differing environments.
This effort ultimately led to the creation of Java.
the time that the details of Java were being worked out, a second, and
ultimately more important, factor emerged that would play a crucial
role in the future of Java. This second force was, of
course, the World Wide Web. Had the Web not taken shape at about the same
time that Java was being implemented, Java might have remained a useful but
obscure language for programming consumer electronics. However,
with the emergence of the Web, Java was propelled to the forefront of
computer language design, because the Web, too, demanded portable
Most programmers learn early in their careers that
portable programs are as elusive as they are desirable. While the
quest for a way to create efficient, portable (platform-independent) programs
is nearly as old as the discipline of programming itself, it had taken a back
seat to other, more pressing problems. However, with the advent
of the Internet and the Web, the old problem of portability
returned with a vengeance.
After all, the Internet consists of a diverse,
universe populated with many types of computers, operating systems, and CPUs.
was once an irritating but a low-priority problem had become a high-profile
By 1993 it became obvious to members of the Java design team that the problems
of portability frequently encountered when creating code
for embedded controllers are also found when attempting to create
code for the Internet.
This realization caused the focus of Java to switch
from consumer electronics to Internet programming. So, while it was the desire
for an architecture-neutral programming language that provided
the initial spark, it was the Internet that ultimately led to
Java’s large-scale success.
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