Sunday, 22 March 2015

XML Basic Tutorial

(eXtensible Markup Language)

Introduction to XML

1.            XML is designed to describe data, and to focus on what data it is.
2.            HTML is designed to display data, and to focus on how data looks.
3.            In XML the user can create their own tags, but in HTML it cannot be done.
4.            XML are like HTML tags.
5.            XML tags are not predefined tags own tags must be defined.
6.            XML use a DTD (Document Type Definition) to describe the data.
7.            XML is designed to carry data.
8.            HTML is about displaying information XML is about describing information.
9.            XML file name has .xml as extension.
10.         XML coding is written in Notepad.
11.         XML is executed in Browser like Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
12.         The WML (Wireless Markup Language) is used to markup Internet applications for handle devices like mobile phones, is written in XML.
13.         The Syntax rules of XML are very simple and very strict.
14.         XML statements are strictly case sensitive.
15.         Every XML program must have XML Declaration statement.

XML Declaration Statement

This statement is to declare the XML document. It must be written on the first line.

VERSION=“1.0” à Specifies the version of the XML standard that the XML document conforms to.

STANDALONE à Use of YES if the XML document has an internal DTD. Use of NO it the XML document is linked to an external DTD.

Declaration Rules

1.            XML statement must be first line.
2.            It must be contain version name attribute.
3.            Attribute values must be in double quotes.
4.            The order of the syntax should not be changed.
5.            If any elements, attributes or entities are used in the XML document that are referenced or defined in an external DTD STANDALONE=”NO” must be included.
6.            It must be in lower case except for the encoding declarations.
7.            No close tag for XML declaration statement.

XML Program Structure



Root Element

This is the first element in a document. It may not be contained by any other element in the document, hence, forms the basis of the document’s element tree.

Parent Element

An element in which another child element is nested.

Child Element

An element nested inside another parent element.

DTD (Document Type Definition)
A set of rules describing the structure of an XML document. There are two types of DTD.
1.            Internal DTD
2.            External DTD

Internal DTD

[ document type definitions(DTD):
            elements / attributes / entities / notations / processing instruction /
            comments / PE reference
An internal DTD that is located within the XML document.


1.            DTD must be placed between the XML declaration and the root element in the document.
2.            The keyword DOCTYPE must be followed b the name of the root element in the XML document.
3.            The keyword DOCTYPE must be in upper case.

External DTD

[SYSTEM “DTD Location”>

A DTD that is contained in another file, which may reside at a remote location. External DTDs are useful for creating a common DTD that can be shared between multiple documents. Any changes that are made to the external DTD automatically update all the documents that reference it. There are two types of External DTD’s.
1)            Private
2)            Public

If any elements, attributes or entities are used in the XML document that are referenced or defined in an external DTD, standalone=“no” must be included in the XML declaration.

Element Declaration


These declarations are placed inside a DTD. They specify what elements are allowed in an XML document and what their content ma be.


1.            The ELEMENT must be in uppercase.
2.            Start with “<” and end with “>”.
3.            An element type cannot be declared more than once.
4.            Allowable contents are “EMPTY”, “ANY”, child elements and mixed contents.

Attribute Listing Declaration

attribute type
default value>

Attributes are additional information associated with an element type. The ATTLIST declarations identity, which element types may have attributes, what types of attributes they may be and what the default values of attributes are.

Entity Type Declaration


Entity declarations are placed inside a DTD. They contain the abbreviation to be used for an entity and the text to be substitute for that abbreviation. They may also contain a URI if the text or data is stored at a remote location.



Character data or text that does not need to be parsed. Markup within CDATA sections will not be interpreted as markup.



Parsed character data. Text that is not markup that is processed b a parser.


An application that processes a document and identifies text from markup. It interprets the markup and determines the content and characteristics of a document.

Document Model

The XMLDOM (Document Object Model) is a programming interface for XML documents. It defines the way an XML document can be accessed and manipulated programming language and any operating system.

With the XMLDOM, a programmer can create and XML document, navigate its structure and modify, add or delete its elements.

Element Declaration Symbols

It is used to establish content model of elements.
Separates the items in a sequence and establishes the order in which they must appear.
Separates the items in a choice group of alternatives.
No symbol
Indicates that a child element must appear exactly once.
Indicates that a child element must appear exactly once or not at all.
Indicates that a child element can appear any number of items.
Indicates that a child element can appear at least once.
Enclose a sequence or choice of alternatives.


File name 1(a):         File1.xml



File name 1(b):         File1.html

XML called in HTML

File name 2(a):         Int1.xml

Hello XML
Good Day
File name 2(b):         Int1.html

XML called in HTML

File name 3(a):         Ext1.xml


File name 3(b):         Ext1.dtd

File name 3(c):         Ext1.html

XML called in HTML

File name 4(a):         Prod.xml


File name 4(b):         Prod.dtd

File name 4(c):         Prod.html

XML called in HTML

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